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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at the multi-purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT 06482.  1.  Chairman Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:33pm.
PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Rau, Wes Thompson, Donald Sharpe, Mitch Bolinsky, Catherine Adsitt, David Howard, Robert Morey, Martha LaMarche
ALSO PRESENT:  Director of Planning and Community Development, Elizabeth Stocker
1.  Call to Order – Robert Rau called meeting to order at 7:33pm
2. Minutes of February 17, 2009 Meeting – Martha LaMarche had an addition/amendment to the minutes of Feb. 17, 2009.  Minutes were not approved.  Motion to table minutes carried unanimously.
3. Communications
        Discussion of ATMI considering taking over Pitney Bowes building.  Initial decision for ATMI was between Newtown, Brookfield or New York site.  Luncheon meeting was held between ATMI and fellow Newtown businesses.  Luncheon was successful with introducing other businesses in town and telling ATMI of benefits of Newtown location.  ATMI has decided to postpone further consideration due to economic conditions.  
        Discussion to start meetings for EDC at 7:00pm instead of 7:30pm.  There was no opposition, so next meeting on April 21, 2009 will start at 7:00pm to be held at the Multi-Purpose building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.
4. Public Participation – No public present.
5. Reports
        a. Director of Planning and Community Development – Elizabeth Stocker – Remaining balance of STEAP grant from State is 250K (56.5K for study and 193.5K for infrastructure.  State thinks it might be more appropriate to divert to FFH instead of Tech Park.  FFH development is consistent with growth project and State objectives/guidelines.  Grant expires June 30, 2009 – the State may consider postponing and/or extension of Grant to 2010.  
6. Old Business
        a. Chamber of Commerce/Rotary SWOT Meeting – Summary and Follow Up provided by Catherine Adsitt.  First SWOT meeting with the Chamber of Commerce was on October ’08 and second meeting with combined Chamber of Commerce and Rotary was on February ’09. There were approximately 45-50 in attendance.  I-84 was considered strength to the town in both meetings.  The three (3) exits along I-84 were by far the greatest strength and EDC/town needs to take advantage of this point.  We need to be proactive to determine if zoning is conducive to economic development along I-84.  All departments need to be on the “same page”.  Affordable housing was determined to be a weakness within Newtown.  Although progress is being made in this area, it is still very much a weakness.   Also, a coordinated message on what makes Newtown unique needs to be implemented.
        b. Budget – FY 2009-2010 – Budget for EDC is $35,000.  Submitted budget for FY 2009-2010 will be 10% less.  Good part of budget is advertising.  Discussion on pre-paying any expenses forward took place.  Any expenses submitted must be implemented in fiscal year recorded.   There is 2-3 months left in the current FY.  Discussion on combining marketing/advertising for EDC and FFH was discussed.  Under the concept that EDC has role in the marketing of all commercial properties of the town, including FFH, the following action was taken.  
        -Mr. Morey made a motion to include FFH in all EDC marketing efforts going forward.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Howard, all in favor.
        c. Tech Park Update – Discussion of Tech Park plans as presented on Feb. 17, 2009 EDC meeting as 2 lot development continued.  Letter from David L Grogins, Esq. was presented to commission stating,
“You have requested an opinion letter on whether the Town can construct a through road from proposed Tech Park over the 21.66 acre parcel (Parcel A) given to the Town by the State of Connecticut at Fairfield Hills.     In this regard, the deed to the Town contains a reversionary clause which causes the property to revert to the State if the Town uses the property for anything except “open space” or for “recreational” purposes.  Therefore, the parcel can not be used for a road unless the State of Connecticut consents.”
Previous Selectman offices requested that there be a right of way to Wasserman Way included in the development of the Tech Park.  EDC will develop a plan accordingly and present to the Selectman and the Legislative Council.  
Discussion on Conservation Commissions comments on the revised Tech Park plans for a condominium development ensued.  This plan was received favorably.  Concept of solar generation, adjacent to the sewage treatment plant, is of great interest and the preserving of meadow area along Deep Brook are considered major steps forward.
David Howard presented an Economic Analysis of Tech Park with 2 lot, 6 lot and 9 lot scenarios explored.   This report will be electronically distributed for further perusal and consideration.  The financial pro forma is a hypothetical model and could contain large deviations due to the prevailing market or the value of buildings constructed after the sale of land, tax concessions and /or additional costs to town.  
Discussion on moving forward with project as is or pursuing Army Corp of Engineers approval ensued.   Some amendments to improve plan may be added.   Options to develop and to what point EDC should handle was explored.   Army Corp of Engineers approval will take approximately one year to complete.  Army Corp approval would be one less step for potential developers thus making it more appealing.  Also, without building roadways, gives potential developers more flexibility to build to suit.  Option 1-build roadways. Option 2-stick with concept and find developer. Option 3 –move forward to obtain Army Corp approval.
Mr. Bolinsky made a motion that we advance plans with the Army Corp approval without building roads. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thompson, all in favor.
7. New Business
        a. New Business Cards – postponed to future meetings.
        b. Advertising Budget – as discussed in Agenda #6b
        c. Business and Community Guide – Martha Lamarche made the commission aware of a proposal received from Global Design and Publications to make a Newtown Brochure, funded through their solicitation of advertisers.  If agreed to, Global Design would own brochure and all rights to copy.  Martha suggested if EDC markets the town this way, it would be best to design and have full control of brochure and copy.  There are many companies and freelance writers in the area available to EDC to prepare our own brochure.  Robert Rau suggested a marketing sub-committee needs to be in place to decide on and discuss this possibility.  
Ms. LaMarche made a motion to decline the proposal from Global Design and Publications.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Morey, all in favor.
        d. M-5 Zoning – Information on proposed amendment to the zoning regulations was distributed.  5.06.490 – Planning and Zoning plan to have a meeting on this topic Weds. March 18th, 2009.  Response to M-5 Zoning amendment was the EDC is generally supportive of economic development but would like the town to proceed with caution and concern relating to esthetics.
        e. Strategic Plan- Robert Rau distributed a copy of the Strategic Plan approved by the Legislative Council October 19, 2005 and asked all members of the commission look over for future discussion.
8. Adjournment – Motion for adjournment was made by Mr. Sharpe and seconded by Mr. Morey and passed.   Adjourned at 10:29pm.

Respectfully submitted by:
Julie S. Obre, Clerk